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Values-based Leadership:

Developing corporate values that genuinely inform decision-making takes concerted effort over many months. The process starts with regular leadership team meetings to develop and articulate shared values and gain alignment. This is followed by a tiered roll-out to the entire organization and the capture and documentation of corporate stories illustrating the embodiment of the values in action.  After implementation, annual team reviews are recommended to refine or reinvigorate commitment to the agreed values. The initial process generally takes 9 months to a year. 

Leadership in System Development Organizations

Corporations undertaking complex system development projects frequently leverage resources from across the country or around the world to build an interdisciplinary team working on a single development project. The leader of such a project must be acutely aware of cultural differences within the team – across disciplines, locations and countries.  At the start of a project, Shared Vision coaching helps leaders assess and manage cultural differences and establish common language and goals to build a unified high-performing team. When a complex project is struggling due to team dissension across organizational boundaries, Shared Vision helps leaders diagnose and overcome organizational friction. Engagements of this sort typically take 3 months to a year, depending on the size and scope of the project and the distribution of team responsibilities

Project Team Leadership

Large-scale projects with teams that are formed from functional resources for the duration of a limited-duration project face unique challenges. Such projects typically are under stringent budget and schedule pressures. The project leader needs to quickly build a high-performing, functioning team from resources that may be unfamiliar with one another and with the leader. Shared Vision coaching can help leaders assess the strengths of individual team members and build a cohesive team aligned around common objectives and ready to execute with quality and speed. After implementation, periodic reviews are recommended every 2-3 months for the duration of the project.  The initial process will typically take 3-6 months, depending on the size and scope of the team and the experience of the leader and team members.

Leadership in Transition and General Leadership Development

Shared Vision Coaching is also prepared to address general leadership development and specific leadership challenges, including transitions in level, increased responsibility, navigation through mergers and acquisitions, tension with bosses, peers or clients, and job changes.